I’m thrilled to announce that a short story of mine was included in the above anthology, “You See What Happened Was…” It’s a different style than the Fairytale Hour novellas that many of you are familiar with, but it’s a fun read (or so I’ve been told) and it’s available for free with kindle unlimited. To make things even easier, my story is the first one in the collection, so you won’t even have to search for it!
Thanks for your support!
“A Zoo of a Day” starts with a man walking into a bar, as so many fun stories do, and detailing what might be the worst day anyone has ever had while working at an interstellar zoo. From exploding animals to an OSHA inspection, this is a tale that anyone who has had to work with incompetent coworkers will appreciate. This is an adult-oriented story and as such contains mild language and moderate injuries, as one would expect of a workplace day gone terribly wrong.