Princess Sparkle-Hooves

Hello, everyone! I’ve been busy making lots of progress on things, none of which are ready to be released, sorry. But I do have a new short story out!

Raconteur Press’s anthology “All Will Burn: At All Costs” just came out and they published one of my stories in it. The theme of the anthology is what lengths parents will go to for their children.

Turning that theme a little bit on its head, “Princess Sparkle-Hooves” contains not just an entitled parent willing to do anything for their child but also a herd of pegasi at a theme park, under the watchful care of their manager. Which ‘parent’ will ultimately win in this stand-off to achieve what they believe is best for their charges?

Free to read on kindle unlimited and available as a paperback.

A Zoo of a Day

I’m thrilled to announce that a short story of mine was included in the above anthology, “You See What Happened Was…” It’s a different style than the Fairytale Hour novellas that many of you are familiar with, but it’s a fun read (or so I’ve been told) and it’s available for free with kindle unlimited. To make things even easier, my story is the first one in the collection, so you won’t even have to search for it!

Thanks for your support!

“A Zoo of a Day” starts with a man walking into a bar, as so many fun stories do, and detailing what might be the worst day anyone has ever had while working at an interstellar zoo. From exploding animals to an OSHA inspection, this is a tale that anyone who has had to work with incompetent coworkers will appreciate. This is an adult-oriented story and as such contains mild language and moderate injuries, as one would expect of a workplace day gone terribly wrong.

Coming Soon: Queen Raven’s Nest!

I’m happy to announce that the next installment of Fairytale Hour is almost ready! Queen Raven’s Nest is a gender flip of the King Thrushbeard fairy tale which has been gaining popularity lately.

When Prince Leopold risks offending a potential ally by refusing yet another marriage offer, his father orders him to marry the first woman who will take him. Leopold soon finds himself married to a peasant girl who surprises him and forces him to reconsider his prejudices.

Stay tuned for a pre-order link soon!

Get it now!

Hello, it’s me. The Procrastinator.

Hi! My procrastination has led me to start a dozen projects and finish exactly two of them. Speaking of which, “The Wolf in the Path” is now available for preorder on amazon. Unfortunately, the other installments of Fairytale Hour have all been put on hold for varying reasons including: I don’t like a particular character, the plot is developing into something too dark to fit into this series, and I just plain have been procrastinating on writing anything YA. However, I did just finish writing another book, so fingers crossed that I can get this one traditionally published for all of you who have been begging me for paperbacks. Thanks for hanging in there!
-Aelth, your (third? fifth?) favorite procrastinator

Life Happens

Sorry for the delays on kindle vella updates! Life happened and writing had to take a backseat. But I should have more time to write starting in a month or two, so keep checking back for new updates! Thanks for supporting me!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day! If you’re looking for a fun read for Valentine’s Day, be sure to check out “Goldi-socks and the Three Hairs.” This mash-up of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and “Rumpelstiltskin” is filled with humor, adventure, and a sweet romance all in an hour-long read. Get it now for only 99 cents or free to read through kindle unlimited!

Fairytale Hour

I’m excited to announce that I’m re-releasing “Small Feet” as the first installment of the series “Fairytale Hour.” Multiple readers have requested that it be available as a traditional kindle book instead of only on kindle vella, and I realized that having a series of hour long fairytale retellings might be fun. So, here goes! “Small Feet” will be coming out on kindle and free to read on kindle unlimited on Friday, October 29th. It only takes about an hour to read, so it’s the perfect book to curl up with. And, spoilers, the whole series will have happy endings. Maybe not the endings you expect, but happy nonetheless.

Get it now!

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